Open discussion to tackle the recent developments of the Red Light District as well as discussing the eventuality of the new Wrs law (Wet regulering sekswerk), hosted in the Amsterdam Museum.


Sunday February 23rd, 14.00 - 15.30
Amsterdam Museum, Kalverstraat 92 (auditorium)

FREE entrance

On the panel --  

Maia Matches – artist of comic '(h)OERDOM', displayed in the debate room 
Jimini Hegnitt – artist of the installation 'Nr.1 Tourist Attraction'
Annemarie de Wildt – curator  'Nr.1 Tourist Attaction'
Niki – sex worker, jurist and activist
Sally – former sex worker in the Red Light District
Els Iping – former member of 'Partij van de Arbeid'
Joep de Groot – former  police officer of Warmoesstraat station
Elisa Hermanides – journalist at 'Trouw' newspaper (moderator)

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The installation Nr.1 Tourist Attraction focuses on the topics of immigration, prostitution and human trafficking caused a commotion when it opened on November 1st 2019, out of protest, the sex workers announced a boycott on the museum. The installation remains open for the duration of the planned period, closing on March 1st 2020.

A large print of my comic (h)OERDOM resides in the museum next to Nr.1 Tourist Attraction, in the Debate Room which hopes to stimulate discussion from the general public. I was asked to contribute my work because it is obvious that I, like many sex workers I've spoken to, have serious doubts about the legitimacy of Jimini's research and presentation. In my work, I have also questioned the motives behind the Wrs and that of the city itself.

Amsterdam Museum blog with my explanation of (h)OERDOM (in Dutch)
Jimini Hegnitt reacts on my depiction of her installation in an online article (in English)
Twitter account @SAVE_SW gathers information about Wrs law (English/Dutch)
Maxim Februari writes about the consequence of the Wrs law (in Dutch)
